Взаимовыручка в России - естественное дело! Для Англоговорящих. Positive compilation of Russian dash cams

One fundamental trait of the citizens of Russia is their readiness to help each other out in times of trouble. Every day in Russia one or several incidents happen and Russians magically appear to help, sometimes even risking their own lives. This type of behavior is encouraged by both society and the state. People who did not even save another person, but chose to risk their own lives are given government awards, they are praised by the press, and locals call them heroes. It is very easy to understand this peculiarity of Russians, if you keep in mind that they live in a country with a very harsh climate, where it is very difficult to survive alone. Therefore, in Russian culture, a type of collectivism prevails over individualism. In this video, we have gathered some evidence of the amazing behavior of Russians on the road and their touching care for the people and animals around them. *** YouTube project about modern russian economy, industry, science and
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