Warhammer : Dawn of War - Possessed Squad quotes

Possessed Squad quotes from Warhammer : Dawn of War “We are filled with the power of Chaos!“ “Do you hear the voices too?!“ “Aaaah, the chaos gods speak clearly now!“ “It is as though a thousand mouths cry out in pain.“ “Sanity - is for the weak!“ “I feel the Warp overtaking is a good pain.“ “Chaos consume us!“ “Of course, we do your bidding.“ “Chaos is our master.“ “We are the destroyer!“ “Crush, kill and destroy!“ “We see the target.“ “We will strike them down.“ “We will send the enemy to the hell and worse!“ “To the battle!“ “Chaos has come to judge you!“ “For the glory of Chaos!“ “The dark powers triumph!“ “Their souls will be utterly destroyed!“ “Now you will die!“ “Ch
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