Tribal People - Re-awaken Your Tribal Ethnic Origin / Ethnic LIVE by Peruquois

Turn the volume up and let your body be moved by this incredible performance. Peruquois grows your tribal roots back with this song Tribal People featuring the voice of her late husband - Native American Medicine Man / Shaman Let the goosebumps cover all your body hearing their voices Her late husband what a tribe leader and Native American Elder. Enjoy this tribal / ethnic masterpiece by Peruquois - LIVE at Crocus City Hall. Tribal People is an anthem to every of us who is here to remember where we came from and where we go to. For everyone who loves Tribal / Ethnic music this is a true gift from Peruquois. (Eng) (Rus) (Eng) (Rus) Последуйте за мистическим вокалом Перукуа в мир этнического погружения к истокам. Эта песня шедевр этнической музыки. Crocus City Hall / Крокус Сити Холл / Peruquois LIVE / Перукуа
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