Fire Simulation and Rendering using Blender and Ae | Fire FX Tutorial - Part 1

All updated links are in the pinned comment. In this tutorial we will explore the entirety of fire simulation which Blender has to offer. And how we can use it for VFX. Please like and subscribe if you find this tutorial helpful. Tutorial Timeline: 00:00 - Intro 00:11 - Quick Summary 00:57 - Finding Stock Footage 01:38 - Camera Tracking 04:19 - Object Tracking 06:58 - Fire Simulation 07:23 - Emitter Settings 10:36 - Smoke Domain Settings 13:25 - Fire Bending using Curves 15:13 - Using Force Fields and Collections 18:19 - Making Fire Sim look Realistic 19:41 - Shading / Texturing 21:03 - Editing a Specific Part of the Flame (Technic by @Polyfjord ) 22:59 - Simulation Settings Overview 23:40 - Rendering Fire Sim 24:27 - Scene 1 Render - Result 24:47 - Scene 2 Setup 26:04 - Fire DRAGON! (Basic Animation and Setup for Fire Sim) 27:27 - Quickly Making Fire Texture in Ae 29:10 - Texturing the Dragon 35:00 - Fire Sim Settings Ove
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