What Is Your Attachment Style?

Attachment theory refers to a set of ideas formulated by psychologists in the 1960s that gives us an exceptionally useful guide to how we behave in relationships. Knowing whether we are secure, anxious or avoidant in our attachment patterns gives us a vocabulary with which to get on top of some very tricky dynamics and helps us grow into more predictable and more joyful companions in love. Sign up to our new newsletter and get 10% off your first online order of a book, product or class: For gifts and more from The School of Life, visit our online shop: Our website has classes, articles and products to help you think and grow: 2N2UMAY FURTHER READING You can read more on this and other subjects on our blog, here: “One of the greatest questionnaires in the history of 20th-century psychology had a modest start in the pages of a local Colorado newspaper The Rocky Mountain News in July 198
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