Google Maps Revealed This... is There More???

Google Maps Revealed something... I found what appears to be an old mining site and around 2005 an item appeared on the site and it looks like it’s been there ever since. When going through the time periods on google earth I also found something else not far from the original object. Once arriving I headed towards the location to see if the item or items are still there, see what it is & was used for. Although this is not a remote site in the woods, this is an area that hasn’t been worked or altered in a few decades and nature is slowly reclaiming the area. Eventually this location will most likely be redeveloped and will look completely different in the future. ►More Google Finds: ►Facebook ►Get a Cameo video: ►My Second Channel: @jpphotography81 ►JPVideos Merchandise: ►PayPal:
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