I’m Sameer from Damascus. Life in Syria’s capital through the lens of a local cameraman.

War has been raging in Syria for five years, causing millions to leave the country. This is the story of some who’ve stayed. When the bloody conflict began, many Syrians had to put their lives on hold until the situation stabilised. But even after five years, there’s still no end in sight to the devastating war. Many civilians have lost their homes, their possessions and even loved ones. In an attempt to preserve at least some semblance of normality in their lives, people have learnt to live in the violently conflicted state. Just as in times of peace, they go to the market, meet in cafes, work, marry and organise big weddings. In Damascus, there’s been less devastation than in many other big Syrian cities, and so the capital welcomed many internally displaced refugees, but even here, no one is truly safe. Shells explode and kill indiscriminately, destroying roads, cars, buildings and killing anyone who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sameer Alfarra is a cameraman for a Syr
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