World’s Slowest Rube Goldberg | Field Day Presents Bob Partington
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Field Day Presents inventor Bob Partington to a new audience, you guys! Bob is an inventor, director and TV personality, you’ve probably seen some of his work in commercials but never knew it was him. So we wanted to spotlight his unique genius in one of his first big forays into YouTube. See as Bob brings together some classically slow moving things, like grass growing and a tu
2 months ago 00:02:52 1
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2 months ago 00:02:51 1
셀퍼럴 비트코인 선물거래소 공식파트너 최고 요율로 등록하는 방법 2025 최신. 비트겟 바이비트 OKX 빙엑스 탭비트 바이낸스 셀퍼럴