Travel Notes. Part 49: Snæfellsjökull. Gateway to the Underworld

Yuri Loginov’s travel notes accompanied by photographs and video fragments made here and there once upon a time with amazing background classic music to remember forever. Part 49: Snæfellsjökull. Gateway to the Underworld… or, On the roads of Iceland, all over again. The Snæfells volcano is located on the eponymous #Snæfellsnes peninsula in western #Iceland. Its height reaches 1448 meters. The summit is covered by the #Snæfellsjökull glacier. In clear weather the volcano and glacier can be clearly seen across the Faxaflói Bay from Reykjavik, 120 kilometres away. The last time Snæfells erupted was in the 18th century, but it is still not considered completely extinct. In 1864, the French writer Jules Verne, after consulting with the famous geologist Charles Sainte-Claire Deville, chose the crater of this volcano as the starting point for the adventures of the heroes of his novel “Journey to the Centre of the Earth“. Thanks to the worldwide success of the novel, the legendary volcano has long established a reputation as a “Gateway to the Underworld“. The goal of our expedition was to find this gate. This film is the next part of our travels in Iceland and combines elements of the adventure genre with a road movie. But it should not be considered as an action-packed type of a fictional film, despite the visible presence of a script that compares the journey itself on the way to a certain goal with the appearance of the main characters, brave travellers and tireless researchers of mysterious natural phenomena on the thorny and slippery path in their quest for the perfection of an idea - the eternal prototype of an imaginary reality, to which we always strive, but often cannot achieve. First of all, it is a travel music video, rather even a collection of clips, similar to all my previous ones from the “Travel Notes” series. Music, in this case Zero-project, plays the major role here, highlights and accentuates the constantly changing shots of flight-like movement across the amazingly beautiful, mesmerizing and enthralling country. The destination doesn’t matter. The main thing is the journey itself. Watch the previous video about Iceland on The original photos are laid out on @yuri-loginov-107391.
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