Nortonk Album Release Performance

To celebrate our album release, we recorded this set of music at our good friend William Gorman’s home studio. Hope you enjoy! 0:30 Quat/Chutes & Ladders 8:47 One 15:14 Herzog/Thou Still 21:27 Spiders 26:33 Cherry Nortonk is: Gideon Forbes - alto and soprano saxophones Thomas Killackey - trumpet and cornet Stephen Pale - upright bass Steven Crammer - drums Filming/Recording/Mixing/Live Editing: William Gorman Read what people are saying about Nortonk: “The quartet of twenty-something jazz hellions collectively known as Nortonk describe their music as chordless because the lineup doesn’t include an instrument along the lines of piano or guitar. But that doesn’t mean the work feels as if it’s lacking anything. Indeed, the combo’s self-titled debut is very much a maximal experience, thanks to a surplus of energy, passion and adventurism.“ - Jazziz Magazine “[Nortonk] characterised by its angular pungent harmonic while comparisons with the Coleman-Cherry Piano-less ensembles are inescapa
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