22 Гимн России (National Anthem of Russia) on Tin Whistle D + tabs tutorial

С Днём России :) Russia Day (June 12) is the national holiday of the Russian Federation. It commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) on June 12, 1990. Ноты (notes) - _ Гимн России (National Anthem of Russia) на тин вистле D. 1: aD abc# f#f#b aga dde ef#g gab c#DE aF#EDE c#aDc#bc# f#f#baga ddDc#ba 2: F# EDc#DE aa D c#babc# f#f# D bc#D bc#D bDG G F#EDEF# DD E Dc#bc#D bb 3: Dc#ba ddDc#ba 4: Dc#ba dda bc# D Sequence: 1-2-3 1-2-4 Оригиналы видео:
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