Love Triangles (Adieu to Hypoten-You)

When you get broken up with by an unhinged math major (or you ARE the unhinged math major??) The full version was demanded of this sound (@schmoyoho/video/7060272870538120494), so Sarah SWOOPED in and made it heavenly. Lyrics- I know that a² b² = c² but I’m afraid you² me² ≠ we² you took the us out of Pythagoras [paɪˈθæɡ.əɹ.əs] so I turned 90° and walked away I had to say adieu to hypoten-you I’ve forgotten you we were one whole polygon but we got chopped in two goodbye to the function of u i you were my cosine but love triangles never work there’s one too many sides love triangles never wooooooork I know that π’s digits are never-ending but you and I hit our limit, let’s stop pretending you never let us be equilateral I was always
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