Call of duty warzone EXE Season 4 They added a couple of new guns and new weapons, I managed to make a couple of fun loadouts in season 4. I also messed around with the new red door and the new bow. I hope you guys enjoy this warzone exe season 4 video. I might upload more warzone videos in season 4 but that’s not a promise!!! the new warzone POI’s are pretty interesting too. i did not visit all the new locations tho. Hope you enjoyed this Warzone Season video!!! music in the video: (I give music, u give like x) 📀Cover The Corpse by Equal Idiots 📀Put My Head In The Ground by Equal Idiots 📀Drone by FIDLAR #warzone #season4 #EXE my video tags (ignore): warzone,,warzone season 4,season 4,season ,.exe,new season,red door,new weapons,new guns,new map,new update,new location,new locations,new,warzone season ,warzone wtf moments,warzone funny moments,funny moments,call of duty,cod,,new bow,b
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