Hand Independence Builder For Beginner Drummers

Learn Drums Here: Free Lessons: Our Favorite Music Products: Faster Hands & Feet (in 10 days) ► The Best Beginner Drum Book ($19): I’m back with another lesson taken from our brand new book: The Best Beginner Drum Book. Today we’re going to talk about limb independence - specifically lead-hand independence. When you’re just starting out on the drums, it’s difficult to separate your limbs and have them all do different things at the same time. If you want to start exploring different drum beats and fills, gettings those hands and feet separated from one another is crucial. Simply put... You need to build limb independence to play what you want. Here are five different drum beats you can practice to help free up your lead hand. Start slow! If you’re having trouble, try isolating one or two limbs first, then slowly put everything together.
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