The HORRIBLE DEATH of CAIAPHAS, the High Priest| The Sadducee who killed Jesus Christ

Caiaphas was the high priest of the Jewish Sanhedrin during the time of Jesus Christ, as mentioned in the New Testament of the Bible. He is particularly associated with the events leading to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. According to the Gospels, Caiaphas played a significant role in the trial and condemnation of Jesus Christ. In the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 26:57-68), for example, Caiaphas is depicted as presiding over the trial of Jesus, where false witnesses were brought forward to testify against him. When asked directly if he was the Messiah, the Son of God, Jesus responded affirmatively, which Caiaphas interpreted as blasphemy. This led to the decision to hand Jesus over to the Roman authorities. In the Gospel of John (John 11:49-53), Caiaphas is portrayed as making a pragmatic and political decision. He suggests that it is expedient for one man (Jesus) to die for the people, fearing that Jesus’ growing popularity could lead to a Roman intervention that would threaten the stabilit
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