Return of the Seeders & Anunnaki: History and Current Events
Elena Danaan’s new book, The Seeders, is officially being released today on September 21 and covers the stunning return of a highly evolved intergalactic group of extraterrestrials involved in the genetic engineering of humanity. Elena describes her direct contact experiences with key members of the Seeders, especially Oona, who is an Altean member of the Seeders involved in the establishment of the Atlantean civilization.
In this Exopolitics Today interview Elena discusses key topics discussed in The Seeders including their composition and how they intervened over different historical epochs to establish human also answers questions about her direct contact experiences with Enki, whose faction of the Anunnaki has returned simultaneously with the Seeders to assist humanity in ’graduating’ from Deep State control and manipulation.
Elena and Dr. Michael Salla discuss some of the controversy over Enki, whose positive role in historical texts is widely accepted by