Drop In Upgrade Adds On-board WiFi to Arduino UNO – Jolly Module Review
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The Jolly Module is a drop in DIP replacement for the Arduino Uno which adds on board WiFi functionality. In this video we review the Jolly module and use it in an IoT centric project where we collect temperature sensor readings and then send the data over WiFi to a Raspberry Pi server where it is stored and displayed.
The Jolly Module features both an ATMega328PB and an ESP8285. The ATMega328PB features 32KB of flash storage for your programs, 1KB of EEPROM and 2KB of SRAM. The ESP8285 is functionally equivalent to the ESP8266 but has internal flash memory so there is no need for an external flash chip. It has a programming button and an LED attached to the WiFi chip.
Cheap ESP WiFi chips are available here:
Jolly Module Documentation:
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