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Amitābha means “Infinite Light“, and Amitāyus means “Infinite Life“ so Amitābha is also called “The Buddha of Immeasurable Light and Life“.
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MANTRA : Om Ami Dewa Hrih / Om Amitabha Hrih
Om: The sound of the Eternal UniverseAmi: Infinite, limitless lightDewa: Illuminated Deity of Buddha natureHrih: With self-respect and dignity
Also known as the Amitabha Mantra, “Om Ami Dewa Hrih” is recited to the Buddhist Diety Amitabha, who embodies pure discernment and Light. In chanting this mantra, one evokes the spirit of Amitabha Buddha, which is a pristine awareness free from delusion and attachment.
A mantra such as “Om Ami Dewa Hrih” serves to guide the practitioner in the direction of liberation from deluded thoughts. Recite this mantra to free yourself from thoughts and beliefs which do not serve you, and to allow the clear awareness and illumination of Amitabha Buddha’s essence to enter your mind.
Amitābha is the buddha of comprehensive love. He lives in the West (represented as a meditating Buddha) and works for the enlightenment of all beings (represented as a blessing Buddha). His most important enlightenment technique is the visualization of the surrounding world as a paradise. Those who see his world as a paradise awaken his enlightenment energy. The world can be seen as a paradise by a corresponding positive thought (enlightenment thought) or by sending light to all beings (wish all beings to be happy). After the Amitābha doctrine, one can come to paradise (in the Pure Land of Amitābha), if they visualize at their death Amitābha in the heaven (sun) over their head (western horizon), think his name as a mantra and leave the body as a soul through the crown chakra.
He sits on a lotus throne decorated with his sacred animal, the peacock. In Indian folklore it is said that the peacock’s brilliant colors come from the poison of the snakes they eat. These poisons are transmuted into beauty, and likewise Amitabha’s practice turns the poison of greed into love. The connection between greed and love may not be immediately obvious, but one only has to think of the contrast between lust (desiring another person in order to gratify our appetites) and true love (valuing the uniqueness and the potential of another as a person in their own right) to appreciate the symbolism.
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