Shallow Water Effects - Maritime/ Marine/ Shipping Safety Training Video Promo by KARCO.

Navigation of vessels in shallow waters and narrow channels face the added risk of SQUAT, BOW CUSHION, BANK SUCTION, and SHIP INTERACTION effects. ’Shallow Water Effects’ - The New KARCO video which promises to bring immense training value for navigators, has been developed using very effective 3D Animation &VFX. The main points for development & synopsis of the video are: - Deals with the growing concern of navigational incidents in shallow waters and narrow channels. - Helps understand the “Bernoulli’s Principle” and its practical application onboard the vessels. - Appreciate how the same principle affects the navigation of vessels in shallow waters. - Visually comprehend clearly the effect of Squat, Bow Cushion, Bank Suction, and Ship Interaction which has the potential of leading to serious navigation incidents. - Identify the role played by the “Block coefficient and “Speed of the Vessel” in the squat calculation. - Pre-empt the situations which will cause these effects and learn the corrective action
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