Armed Combat and Tactics Russia. Instructors course. Saint-Petersburg, 2017“

Short Weapon Instructors Course - Knife combat, machete fighting, knife defence, tactical baton, kubotan, improvised weapon. Long Weapon Instructors Course - Longsword or Katana, medium staff. This time we organized and successfully finished the triple instructors course - SWIC 1, SWIC 2, LWIC 1 in the same time. Alexander Zhelezniak, Alex Minigalin, Michail Vatolin, Alexander Brainin teached there. Saint Petersburg, 26-28 of May 2017. See you in November! ------------------------------- Наша группа: Наш сайт: Запись на тренировки - на сайте и в группе По вопросам организации семинаров пишите:
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