Adolescence - Eureka Seven AMV - Big Contest 2020

It’s pretty much a first for me, but this is my first time entering something for #BigContest this year. When I had this AMV in mind, I thought I could: 1) Try a second (and better) attempt at making an AMV w/ Eureka Seven since my last one (), and 2) Well, just cuz I had extra time before this whole COVID-19 ordeal. I really love this anime, so after listening to some Fall Out Boy (whom I think also rocks) I wanted the theme of this video to be about my boy Renton and basically his whole life story, growing up, going through life and romance as an adolescent teen, dealing its up and major downs and all that. I hope this does well into the contest, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed! And also, to everyone out there stuck at home, be sure that you guys pull through this. Hang in there, stay clean, and to those who are w/ their families, be sure to stick together and always be there for each other. Also, I have a Discord now! SilentH
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