You Were There (ending song from Ico) on an Ocarina

You Were There From: Ico By: Michiru Oshima Performed by: iBookworm On: a Focalink Double Alto C Ocarina I’m partial to quiet, atmospheric, cerebral games like Myst over your run-of-the-mill post-apocalyptic first person shooter, so when I heard the PS2 game Ico described as “Myst with a stick“ I knew I had to check it out. I wasn’t disappointed. Ico is a deeply artistic game that drips with atmosphere. Focusing on quiet exploration and puzzle solving with only brief (but emotionally intense) moments of combat, the game possesses a mood at once of of peaceful beauty and loneliness. The sweet little story pulls the player in emotionally and helps him invest in the characters, making this game feel more like a well-written short story than the usual B-movie action fare of most video games. The game ends with the haunting song “You Were There“ played over the final cinematic and the end credits. Neither my ocarina playing nor the synthetic MIDI backtra
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