Ensemble: Omar Metioui, Mohamed Mehdi Temsamani
Album: Ritual Sufi-Andalusi, Al-Shustari (1212-1269)
Video: Maqâmât d’Aboû Moḥammad al-Qâsim ibn ʿAlî al-Ḥarîrî
Al-Sustari was born in 1212 in Exfiliana. He was an Andalusian Sufi shaykh, philosopher, jurist, and poet. Many verses of al-Shushtari’s poetry, 62 short poems called “Tawshih“, were identified in the classical Andalusian music that is today sung in Morocco. In the Mashriq, he is mostly remembered today for his poem “A little sheikh from the land of Meknes“ (Arabic شويخ من أرض مكناس, “Shewiyekh men-ard Meknes“).
This record was directed by the Spanish musician and scholar Eduardo Paniagua, specializing in medieval Spanish music.
Between 1966 and 1983, he was a member of the group “Atrium Musicae de Madrid“, led by his older brother Gregorio, playing wind instruments and percussion. More recently he has been a founding member of the groups “Cálamus“ and “Hoquetus“ which specialize in the music of Al-Andalus, the Arabic Andalusia.
In 1994 he created
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