Why people doubt Amida Buddha and The Pure Land? | 人們為何疑問佛和淨土 | How sad and pitiful this is!

Suffering beings like ourselves, do not know why we are born here, in a treacherous, fleeting life, firmly attached to greed, hatred, ignorance, arrogance and doubt. Yet, most of us would not believe the truthful explanations of the Buddha. People nowadays, are simply, too materialistic, arrogant and spiritually blind. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to this channel. Help us spread the wonderful Dharma of Salvation by SHARING it with others who are interested. ’Amida Buddha’ media channel, is dedicated to the accurate dissemination of the wonderful expositions of Venerable Master Shinran on The True Pure Land Path, known as Jodo Shinshu. It reveals the Precious Gift of Entrusting Faith in Amida Buddha’s Primal Vow, freely given by the Tathagata of Unhindered Light and Life, to all suffering sentient beings, assuring them of birth in His Land of Peace and Happiness at the end of their lives.
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