Dad, 104 years old (Oct.5) the world’s oldest living jazz drummer

Dad (Leo Pearlstein), the world’s oldest living jazz drummer, at 104! on Oct 5, playing “All of Me” with David Bluefield (son, former WB recording artist, on the keys) and Steve Cole (clarinet/vocal). Be sure to check out the World’s Oldest Living Drummer playlist for more videos of a younger Leo (in his mid 90’s), and very soon, we’re uploading an album of jazz standards on Spotify. Leo Pearlstein’s info: Facebook: David Bluefield: Hear his original music in Spotify His credits: Spielberg, Prince, 3-Dog Night, Stevie Nicks, Ringo Starr. He is most proud of his work as Musical Director of the American Music Project heard by 22 million kids in 71 thousand schools! Steve Cole at
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