Ensemble: Lionheart
Album: Paris 1200 - Pérotin, Léonin, Chant And Polyphony From 12th Century France
Video: A selection of photos of the Gargoyle of Notre-Dame
1 Breves Dies Hominis
2 Virtutum Thronus Frangitur
3 Pange Melos Lacrimosum
4 Te Sanctum Dominum
5 Ave Maria Fons Letitie
6 Ave Virgo Virginum
7 Olim Sudor Herculis
8 Condimentum Nostre Spei
9 Sic Mea Fata
10 Mundus Vergens
11 Mens Fidem / Encontre / In Odorem
12 Gaude Maria Virgo
13 Veris Ad Imperia
14 O Curas Hominum
15 Procurans Odium
16 Diffusa Est Gratia
17 Veste Nuptiali
18 Mors Vite Propitia
Choir: Jeffrey Johnson, John
...Olund, Kurt Owen Richards, Lawrence Lipnik, Michael Ryan-Wenger, Richard Porterfield
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