Elizabeth Taylor - Mike Todd - by Richard Bassett

Mike Todd was one of the two great loves in the life of Dame Elizabeth Taylor. They met on June 30, 1956, married on February 2, 1957 and he sadly and tragically was killed in a plane crash on March 22, a widow and a four month old daughter, Elizabeth Francis Todd, fatherless. Elizabeth Taylor’s life changed when she met Mike Todd. In the words of famous ’New York Post Columnist’, Liz Smith, “He (Todd) was bold and went for the brass ring and he taught Elizabeth to do the same thing. She was never the same after being with him“. Mike was fearless. Elizabeth was fearless. I believing it was his influence on her that got her through the horrid time after his plane crash. He was feisty and it was this attribute that Elizabeth Taylor took with her, using it three decades later when she stood up to the USA money for AIDS research and patient care services. And she got it! This passion came from her short time she had with Mike Todd. He moved mountain
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