Reviving And Restoring A 1970s Rescue Helicopter [4K] | Warbird Workshop | Spark

A Sea King rescue helicopter requires a new engine installing, as well as giant rotor blades and a 1970s computer system reviving, before it can return to the skies. - In hangars and machine shops the length and breadth of Britain a brave bunch of engineers and aviators endeavour to keep the UK’s most historic warplanes in the air. Fighting a desperate rear-guard action against corrosion and metal fatigue are the engineers. Their only weapons are skill, ingenuity and tens of thousands of pounds. We follow the painstaking work in recreating long-forgotten components from lumps of aluminium, show ancient engines bursting into life again after decades of silence, and watch as pilots roar down the runway for the first take-off in years or even decades. Each show follows the restoration of an iconic plane, telling the stories of the men who flew it; the part it played in military history; and the challenges it now presents its restorers and pilots. - Subscribe to Spark for more amazing science, tec
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