*NEW* SITH HOODIE On Skins..! (How to get Kylo’s Hoodie on Skins) Fortnite Battle Royale

Fortnite Battle Royale NEW Kylo Ren Skin Back Bling Called Kylo’s Cape On a FEW Skins Showcase! Giving them a Sith style look for every skin that uses it! Sith Fishstick, Sith Omega, Sith Dominion, Storm Trooper, Sith Trooper, Finn and More. Also a showcase on how to Get Kylo’s Hoodie on every single skin. You can also get all the Star Wars Cosmetics in the item shop right now! including the Darth Vader Emote Called Dark side, and Zorii Bliss skin. CREATOR CODE: SINX6 #EpicPartner
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