Multifandom | FUN FUN FUN

» 720p please! Yes... Yes, I actually did. *hides* Do not comment on this video if you just want to tell me you hate this song. I KNOW you hate this song, because everyone hates this song, me included :P Take the hate somewhere else :D This is just made for FUN FUN FUN :D This is TOTALLY random, and nothing special editing wise or.. in any way.. But I hope it makes some of you smile xD I was cracking up while editing, so really, vidding this song was kinda FUN xD Technically in some parts of the world it is still FRAIIIIIIIIIDAAAAAAAAY, April 1st. Even though it’s Saturday, 6am for ME right now, hahaha. BUT THIS COUNTS. AS A... FRIDAY VIDEO. AND AN APRIL FOOL’S VIDEO.. just without the.. kidding part, cause I actuallyy vidded this. I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M SAYING RIGHT NOW, IT IS 6 AM. GOTTA BE FRESH... jkhgkhjdfhghdf WHY DID I DO THIS? GOOD QUESTION. Because: There is a wonderful person I know, and she had the nerve to tell me to vid this song.. and then a fe
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