It’s you vs you || Noise Plethora | Mimeophon | Morphagene | Arbhar | Lubadh
My music on Bandcamp -
Everything was performed and recorded live with my modular synthesizer.
Here are some patch notes:
In this patch, I wanted to concentrate on noise as the main element so I’m using Noise PLethora from Befaco as my main noise source.
I have the Befaco Rampage set as a burst generator creating a burst of noise with some movement coming from the Voltage Block.
I also tuned one filter of Noise Plethora and recorded it onto Morphagene so I can change notes with the Voltage Block, bringing this voice in and out with a filter.
The Noise Engineering BIA is going through the Freak filter from Vult with lots of noise modulation and drive. This is the pulsating bass voice. It’s being sequenced by the Anima sequencer from Vult.
Another voice is coming from the O Coast. I’m sending noise to its balance input as modulation and as another sound source. The same noise is also modulating its FM for extra grit.
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