Is NATO Preparing for Nuclear War?

Air Defender 23 and Baltops 23 represent an unprecedented scale of participation of NATO military in war exercises in Europe. The Russians will be monitoring these operations closely. They occur as the long-awaited Ukraine counter-offensive has been launched. At the Schiller Institute’s online conference on June 10, “JFK’s Vision of Peace,“ an intense discussion addressed the question of what steps are necessary to build a genuine “peace movement“ today to counter the war drive of the corporate cartels which run the “Military-Industrial Complex.“ Click here to view the video of that conference: ✅Become a member of the LaRouche Organization ➜ ✅ Sign up for our EIR DAILY ALERT newsletter for two months delivered right to your inbox. ➜ 💥 Follow us on: YouTube ➜ @LaRoucheOrganization Twitter ➜ Facebook➜ 📖 Read the Collected Works of Lyndon LaRouche 👉🏻 🚀Donate to the LaRouche Organization ➡ 🚀 #nuclearwar #nato #ukraine #peacethroughdevelopment
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