China’s past infrastructure plan becomes America’s blueprint today. Pascal’s China Lens week 47

#biden #China #infrastructure #G7 #NATO This video talks about how Biden is focussing on infrastructure to revitalise America with the aid of the West. The American Jobs plan is compared to China’s infrastructure 5-year plan. The G7 decisions to counter China’s influence in the world is put into Chinese context. What drives Biden to copy China? Is it fear, caring, leadership or an American dream? 00:00 Intro: Why does Biden copy China? 00:37 Biden once claimed China cannot innovate 03:28 Biden warns that China is eating their lunch 07:00 Biden’s 2.2 trillion USD American Jobs Plan 07:56 American’s Jobs Plan areas of investment 10:29 How China became rich by building infrastructure 12:11 China’s Infrastructure investment this decade 15:02 Biden seeks support from G7 to counter China 16:22 What is relevance of G7 today? 18:24 Why is China the main challenge? 21:04 What and how is the G7 changing? 24:24 What are Beijing’s motives to invest i
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