Harmonic patch using the new MakeNoise tELHARMONIC is a Multi-Voice, Multi-Algorithm synthesizer, and 4ms Spectral Multiband Resonator. The master clock is the Tiptop Circadian Rhythms. Clock output running into the Modcan Touch Sequencer. Channel output one running into one intellijel Dixie (V1) for the bassline. Dixie output running into a Mutable instruments Ripples filter (LP4), triangle waveform. Second channel output sequencing quantized 8 note sequence to the telharmonic oscillator, creating the firs
5 years ago 00:05:05 58
Harmonic Symmetry
1 year ago 00:00:00 1
【#律可4周年】3DLive / Harmonic Symmetry【律可/ホロスターズ】
10 years ago 00:08:54 31
Tuning Theory 3: Moment of Symmetry (“Microtonal“ Theory)