Baguettes usually are one the most challenging types of bread to master. That’s why we are going to try 8 different ways to bake them, using 8 different methods of baking to find out which one will give us the best results.
We will be trying a home oven with steam, a cast iron skillet and a clay pot. We will also be using our favorite: the plastic oven bag. A convection oven used mainly for pastry and a professional oven used in bakeries. On top of that, we will use a countertop oven and, as our last trick… A pizza oven!
For this video, we used a pretty straightforward recipe that allows for a 1kg of dough.
- (85%) Strong flour: 432 grs
- (15%) Fine semolina: 76 grs
- (75%) Water: 381 grs
- (20%) Sourdough starter: 102 grs
- (2%) Salt: 10 grs
-(0.6%) Fresh yeast: 3 grs / Dry: 1 grs
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