A message to all those who found it funny and thought ’vaccines’ and 5G were conspiracy theories. You are now nano-chipped wi

🇬🇧 A message to all those who found it funny and thought ’vaccines’ and 5G were conspiracy theories. You are now nano-chipped with the so called Covid-19 vaccines and your natural electromagnetic field no longer exists, you are now nano-chipped mobile transceivers that can be located and targeted at will. You are no longer human, but genetically modified living beings that are infected with lipid nanoparticle ’proteins’ that contain nano-graphene! So stay away from unvaccinated ’conspiracy theorists’! 🇷🇸 Poruka svima onima kojima je to bilo smešno i koji su mislili da su ’vakcine’ i 5G teorija zavere. Vi ste sada nano-čipovani tzv. Covid-19 vakcinama a vaše prirodno elektro-magnetno polje više ne postoji, vi ste sada nano-čipovani pokretni primopredajnici koje mogu locirati i nanišaniti po želji. Više niste ljudi već genetski modifikovana živa bića koja oko sebe seju zarazu pega lipidnih nano čestica ’proteina’ u kojima se nalazi nano-grafen! Zato se klonite nevakcinisanih ’teoretičara zavera’! Источник: iSTiNA
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