ZZ Top “Legs” Beachlife 🎸🏝️ 💨

Full song. Off the charts amazing performance and so lucky to be right up front within such a cool crowd with no pushing/shoving. 😍 Was it wrong to cry tears of joy because the song was absolute perfection? 🥲 Sadly set ended early due to high winds. *Add: for those of you posting comments hating on ZZ, they put on an incredible performance. The festival was evacuated shortly after this song and they werent able to play one of their biggest hits “La Grange.” Billy riffed the intro as he was being cleared from the stage to at least give the audience a piece of the song. Wish I had a video of that exchange. They were TRULY a class act. If you don’t like their music, fine. But, wow! Bravo boys! 🙌 I take videos of live performances because I love music and I love to share what brings joy to me. I never monetize others’ music/performances. If you see ads it’s because the material has been recognized as copyrighted and the revenue goes to the material’s owner(s), as
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