FATE OF FALSE CONVERTS & APOSTATES: Matthew 7:21-23 | SO4J-TV | 2of9 | Judgment Day-Are You Ready?

FALSE CONVERTS & APOSTATES are self-deceived & come to the EDGE of Saving Faith. Apostates REJECT &/or WALK AWAY from the TRUTH. In this video these are the LUKEWARM professing self-deceived so-called “CHRISTIANS“ of Matthew 7:21-23 (UNSAVED people who THOUGHT, TALKED, LOOKED Saved—which is DIFFERENT than a: Disobedient Christian/Believer (like King David, Peter was). ★WATCH the FULL 1 Hour SO4J-TV Show: JUDGMENT DAY-ARE YOU READY? 9 part PLAYLIST ► OR Check out the “TOP 10 WAYS UNSAVED PEOPLE THINK THEY’RE SAVED“ ★On Judgment Day, Jesus will reveal to MANY LUKEWARM professing “CHRISTIANS“ ( ) that they are GUILTY, & will spend Eternity in Hell. These people were NOT True Believers, they instead were found to be FALSE CONVERTS. We’re NOT Saved by “Works“ (Legalism), but our Faith is PROVEN by our Works (James2:14-20, Matt 3;8). If t
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