10 Hours Best White Noise Dark Screen For Sleep, Creativity, Focus and Relaxation #studiolife

We live in a world of increasing distractions which can inhibit your ability to focus. We would like to share one of our studio & office hacks used at our HQ for better concentration, White noise. White Noise is the combination of all sound frequencies — low, high and mid-range. It creates a masking effect that blocks out other distracting sounds and leaves your mind free to think. If you’ve heard it before, you might compare it to TV static or a waterfall hitting rocks. It’s an excellent starting point for those who aren’t familiar with noise-based productivity methods. White noise may help you get a better quality night’s sleep and focus by masking environmental or outside noises that are causing disturbed sleep. They not only can help you get to sleep but also stay asleep, and may even help to train your brain to know when it’s time to rest. White noise is a simple way to create an environment that supports your best sleep. The following soundscape was created with a Sennh
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