Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project (NES) Playthrough

A playthrough of Konami’s 1992 license-based beat ’em up for the NES, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was a fantastic bookend to the TMNT trilogy of NES action games. Turtles III was built on the foundation laid by TMNT II: The Arcade Game ( ), but instead of producing another conversion of a game that was originally intended for much more powerful hardware, Konami created a brand new game tailored specifically to the NES hardware. As excellent as the previous game was, it was a balancing act of compromises that was necessary to keep things as faithful to the original arcade experience as possible. TMNT III greatly benefits from the lack of any such restrictions tying the hands of the development team. The biggest improvement comes in the gameplay. While there were differences in how the turtles played before, the differences in range and speed are now much more pronounced, and now each character gets his own uni
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