
Hnefatafl is a precursor of chess that was popular in many parts of Europe during the dark ages. The exact rules that this game was originally played with are unknown, and there are many varient rules that can be substituted for the rules that I used in this movie. 1 Black moves first 2 All pieces Including the king move like the rooks in chess 3 Pieces are captured by sandwiching them between two of your pieces, between one of your pieces and the space in the center of the board (called the throne), or between one of your pieces and one of the corner spaces. It is possible to capture more then one piece with one move. 4 Only the king can occupy the throne space but pawns from both sides can move through it. 5 White wins the game when the king is moved to one of the corners of the board. 6 Black wins the game when the king is captured by surrounding it on all four sides by your pawns (or three sides if it is at the edge of the board.) If you have any questions or need me to clarify an
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