Drama in the African bush – an Eagle and Vultures compete over a carcass
This drama played out near the edge of the H1-4 Road north of Satara Restcamp in Kruger National Park in the early morning. A Tawny Eagle (Aquila rapax) was feeding on the abandoned carcass of a male Impala that had been killed and eaten by a Leopard the night before. A critically endangered White-headed Vulture (Trigonoceps occipitalis) swooped in, and the Eagle retreated, allowing the Vulture to feed, which it did for a few minutes. The Tawny Eagle returned to the Impala carcass when the White-headed Vulture flew off. Shortly after that it was driven from the Impala carcass again by five much larger White-backed Vultures (Gyps africanus), who stripped all of the flesh from the carcass in a few minutes.
KNP2016 3 95 Tawny Eagle, W headed & WB Vultures on Impala
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