Prince William’s First Steps For the Press (1983)

In December 1983, Prince William was joined by his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, and Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, as he took his first steps in front of the cameras in the garden of Kensington Palace. Prince William strode confidently up and down the garden and, when he’d had enough of the press, marched himself to the exit. The Prince of Wales also proved himself quick on his feet by swiftly intervening to prevent his son’s escape. Charles and Diana posed with their son for a while on the garden bench, before thanking the press and taking William back inside. Prince William’s relationship with the press would not remain so straightforward. According to legal documents submitted by William’s brother, Prince Harry, Rupert Murdoch’s News UK secretly paid Prince William a “very large sum of money” in 2020 to settle a phone-hacking claim the prince had made against the owner of the Sun and the News of the World. The Duke of Sussex submitted the documents as part of his own ongoing l
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