Resin Casting Tutorial – How to Cast Resin

Things I cover: pressure casting resin using a pressure casting pot (pressure casting chamber) with Smooth On resin, pouring two part resin, cast resin mold, demolding, and mold release for resin. This is geared towards designer toys, but can be applied to anything like resin jewelry or resin crafts. This is part of a series where I go over the mold making and resin casting process. Here are links to the tools and materials used in this video: RESIN: Smooth-Cast 300, Casting Resin (pint kit): Smooth-Cast 300, Casting Resin (gallon kit): PRESSURE CASTING SET UP: Pressure pots are made for spray painting and have to be modified for this process. I have the 5 Gallon but also linked the 2.5 if you’re doing smaller work. I actually wish I had a larger unit: 5 Gallon Pressure Pot: 2.5 Gallon Pressure Pot: Porter-Cable Air Compressor: RESPIRATOR: I use a North respirator with a gas and vapor ca
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