Unify - The Convergence | 15.6 Million Notes [Black MIDI]

After many months of struggling with the nightmares of video editing, I have finally completed my render of this project. Read the description for the list of the many people I need to thank for making Unify possible. This project was a collaboration between many talented creators, each bringing unique and creative ideas and changes, and allbuilding upon each other’s work to refine, improve, and perfect theproject. Personally, I spent hundreds of hours piecing all the fragments into something we can all be proud of, as well as fixing the thousands of pieces of feedback from our community, which now has over 400 members. Words cannot express my gratitude for the contibutors of this project. In particular, I’d like to thank the following people who worked on parts of the project: - 29FroilanJR - Aiyui - Archaeo PX - Eddywaltz - Everither - Hatter - Knock - Kooijermax - Little Creeper - Lucas9810 - Lucas Seth (Palacat) - MBMS - Pakiucs151 - R
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