Wake Up Call ! Youssef Hindi

🇬🇧 Youssef Hindi is an historian of religions, political scientist and geopolitologist. Being specialized in messianism and its historical, political, and geopolitical implications, his groundbreaking research has lifted the veil on the origins of modern ideologies, including Zionism, socialism, political Islam and French republicanism. He is the author of numerous prospective articles on international relations, but also of several books, including Occident et Islam Volumes 1 and 2, The Mysticism of Secularism and The Founding Myths of the Clash of Civilizations.⁠ ⁠ ⁠ 🇫🇷 Youssef Hindi est historien des religions, politologue et géopolitologue. Spécialiste du messianisme et de ses implications historiques, politiques et géopolitiques, ses recherches inédites ont levé le voile sur les origines d’idéologies modernes, parmi lesquelles le sionisme, le socialisme, l’islam politique et le républicanisme français.
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