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“Hey, Slavs!“ is a patriotic song dedicated to the Slavic peoples which was also used as the national anthem of various Slavic countries during the 20th century.
The lyrics were first written in 1834 under the title “Hey, Slovaks“ (Hej, Slováci) by Samuel Tomášik and it has since served as the ethnic anthem of the Pan-Slavic movement, organizational anthem of the Sokol physical education and political movement, and the national anthem of Yugoslavia and Serbia and Montenegro. The melody is based on Polish “Mazurek Dąbrowskiego“.
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Pan-Slavic Anthem | Hey, Slavs! | Гей, Славяне! | Гей, Слов’яни! | Гэй, Славяне! | Гий, Славляне! | Хей, Славяни | Хеј, Словени! | Еј, Словени! | Hej, Sloveni! | Hej, Slaveni | Hej, Slovani! | Hej, Slováci! | Hej, Slované! | Hej, Słowianie! | Hej, Słowjany! | Romanization lyrics
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