Fire Flame Meditation (Tummo) explained by Garchen Rinpoche

The Buddhist Tantric master Garchen Rinpoche explains an abbreviated version of inner flame meditation, as taught in the Drikung Kagyu lineage of master Jigten Sumgön (1143–1217). **Notes from Garchen R’s teachings** Abiding in the ultimate meaning is abiding in true nature, buddha nature. However, discursive mind follows after thoughts, wind energies in body follow after karmic winds, so mind and winds separate. In the body there are five principal winds (the navel being like the “royal seat” of them all) and three principal subtle channels: left, right, central (the central channel is the principal one). Drawing wind and mind energies into the central channel at the navel is the practice method for “merging mind and wind energies into one point.” A particular method for focusing on the energies at the navel is the Vajra Recitation: mentally reciting the syllables OM AH HUNG, together with focusing on the subtle wind energies. Bringing together the OM AH HUNG recitation with the
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