Bullshido - Russian snake and eagle Master attacks Wing Chun
Yes, our favorite Russian bullshido master, the snake and eagle expert is back, and this time is trying to challenge a wing chun master to a fight.
He came to the wing chun seminar, and applied as a volunteer for the technique demonstration. Yet, his ego got the best of him, and he decided to teach a lesson to the wing chun master instead. By showing him how to fight.
His notorious eagle and snake style “kung fu“ blend, that he himself referrers to as a Korean system, is indeed one of the most unique bullshido martial arts we have ever seen.
The style itself is a notorious example of real bullshido martial arts, but hey, at least he doesn’t practice the no touch martial arts, or the chi based martial arts right?
Wing chun is considered to be as one of the most effective forms of kung fu, so challenging it makes sense. However busting someone’s seminar to boost your ego, is not cool.
#bullshido #russianMartialArts #wingChun #russianBullshido
6 months ago 00:11:05 1
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