Russia - Hitch Hiking Contest

(7 Apr 1996) T/I: 11:21:36 FE 10:34:38 A unique sporting event was held in Moscow on Sunday (7/4) - the first Moscow hitch-hiking championship. The dozen competitors had to travel about 100 kilometers around the city in 10 hours using only their thumbs for lifts. Russia is the only country in the world where hitch-hikers are united in clubs. But hitching is hard in Russia because private cars - as well as trucks and ambulances - often work as makeshift taxis, and drivers expect money when they take someone for a ride. Yet according to Valery Shenin, the leader of Moscow hitch-hikers club and a psychologist by profession, Russian hitch-hiking is on the rise again. SHOWS: MOSCOW, RUSSIA, 7/4 ws briefing cu contestant planning route with map ms 3 people poring over map ws start, as contestants run off sot valery shenin, organiser: “now we have a new born of hitchhiking, because people have no money to travel, and hitchhiking for russians may be best way to see other countries.“ hitchhiker with thumb out, truck stops - the 2 hitchhikers talk at door another couple rejected, and slam door other two get into truck, she waves VISION ENDS Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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